As of 01/06/2022, pursuant to section 24, displaced persons with a probationary certificate and/or residence permit have access to Unemployment Benefit IV (Hartz IV) or Unemployment Benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II, or ALG II for short). ALG II is the basic security benefit in Germany. Its purpose is to cover the basic financial needs of people who are able to work but have not yet found a job. The legal basis for this is Social Code II (SGB II).
The standard rate of this basic security benefit is somewhat higher than that set out in the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act. In addition, there is a kind of building block principle used here, according to which the benefits can be topped up depending on the declared additional needs (equipment, school supplies, increased hot water costs, Education and Social Participation (Bildung und Teilhabe) package, etc.).
The respective Jobcenter is responsible for approving these benefits. To receive these benefits in Leipzig, displaced persons must submit some forms to the Jobcenter Leipzig, such as the main application (Hauptantrag). The Jobcenter then has approx. one month to process the application.
There are many advantages to switching to basic security benefits:
- Access to basic healthcare (health insurance)
- Access to German and integration courses
- Higher financial benefits
- Access to work
- Access to the Education and Social Participation (Bildung und Teilhabe) package for children
- Help dealing with the authorities
If you are in receipt of benefits under Social Code II, you must expect to be contacted by the office on a regular basis. You are required to be contactable if you are receiving basic security benefits. You will find further information on this topic here.