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I’m not in a position to start an integration course right away but I would like to improve my German language skill now. What can I do?

There are many ways to start learning German even before you start your integration course.

We would like to present some of them here.

Firstly, you can use the vhs Lernportal to take some initial steps in learning German. You will find a guide to registering on the portal here.

BAMF also encourages taking part in an initial orientation course or a so-called MiA course.

There is also the option of attending non-BAMF-sponsored language courses offered by non-profit associations. You will find information on this topic here.

You can also look for a tandem partner. Tandem partners meet, for example, online or on walks to teach each other their languages. This platform is good for Leipzig: You can also find out more about Leipzig University.