If you are a pet breeder, you should expect strict rules in Germany.
If you own at least five fertile animals, this is considered an activity requiring a permit and must be declared to the Veterinary Office.
Veterinär- und Lebensmittelaufsichtsamt Leipzig
Theodor-Heuss-Straße 43
04328 Leipzig
Phone: 0341 123 3750
(alternatively: 0341 123 3751)
Email: veterinaeramt@leipzig.de
If you need help contacting them, please contact the LHU Animal team.
In order to be allowed to breed animals, the following must be guaranteed first and foremost:
1) General conditions for the animals
- Dry, clean, sufficiently bright and well-ventilated living quarters for the animals
- Sufficient food, attention, exercise and fresh water
- Regular general medical care (worming, chipping, vaccination, veterinary check-up, etc.)
- The breeding of animals that tolerates or promotes traits that cause harm or suffering to the animal (DE: Qualzucht) is not permitted in Germany.
2) Administrative tasks
- You should know the breeding regulations in Germany and the respective federal state and, if necessary, have passed an examination.
- Generally, a breeding permit is required (for breeding dogs and cats). In Germany and in Saxony, these are issued by various breeding associations and breeding clubs. With the help of Google, you can find a variety of possible contacts for breeding. On the VHD platform (Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen [German Kennel Club]), you can search for dog breeders near you. Here you will find an overview of all of the breeding clubs and breeders that are members of the ICR (Internationaler Club für Rassehunde und Katzenzucht e.V. [International Club for Pedigree Dogs and Cat Breeding]). You can obtain a breeding permit through the Deutscher Tierzuchtverein (German Animal Breeders’ Association) or a partnership with other breeding associations. To obtain this permit, you must contact a ‘breed warden’ (Zuchtwart). You can also find them via the portal of the German Animal Breeders’ Association or the breeding association of your choice.
- You will find the forms you need to complete for a smooth start in breeding in the download section of the German Animal Breeders’ Association website.
Other prerequisites:
- Inbreeding must be strictly discussed with and expressly approved by the respective club.
- Breeding may only be carried out with healthy animals of sound temperament.
- Both animals require a breeding permit (this can be issued by a vet).
- Litters must be registered with the Studbook Office (Zuchtbuchamt). Animals must not be separated from their mother before weaning – for dogs, not before eight weeks.
- To legally assert the breeding, you need:
- Proof of ancestry for both parents
- Veterinary documents for both animals
- Covering certificate (Deckschein)
- Litter registration certificate
For help with preparations, visiting the authorities or translations, please contact the LHU Animal team or the LHU Translation team.
Other useful links:
Deutscher Tierzuchtverein (German Animal Breeders’ Association):
Downloads: https://www.tierzuchtverein-deutschland.de/download
Expert assessment and report from the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BmEL) // Ban on the breeding of animals that tolerates or promotes traits that cause harm or suffering to the animal (Qualzucht):
The breeding of animals that tolerates or promotes traits that cause harm or suffering to the animal (Qualzucht):
Breeding prerequisites (dogs):
Cat breeding fact sheet: