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General advice

Internationale Frauen Leipzig e. V.

Konradstraße 60A, 04315 Leipzig
Contact persons: Nasnas Sedik Rashid, An Ngo Thi Minh
Phone: 0341 6888940
Mobile: 0151 75078775 or 0179 4463364
Consultation hours (by phone only):
Monday to Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Languages: German, Arabic, Turkish, Kurdish
By appointment: Russian, English, Portuguese, Spanish, Vietnamese

Caritasverband Leipzig e. V. I

Ruth-Pfau-Straße 2, 04107 Leipzig
Contact persons: Enrico Noack & Marcel Brettschneider
Phone: 0341 9636125
Consultation hours (by phone only):
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
Monday to Thursday: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Friday: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Languages: German, English, Spanish
Upon request: Arabic, Persian, Russian, Georgian, Albanian, Serbian, Turkish and more

Caritasverband Leipzig e. V. II

Stuttgarter Allee 30, 04209 Leipzig
Contact persons: Johanna Hutzel & Frederike Bensien
Phone: 0341 9636165 or 0157 58743461
Consultation hours (by phone only):
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
Monday to Thursday: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
and by appointment and email
Languages: German, English, French, Serbo-Croatian, Arabic
Other languages on request

RAA Leipzig e. V. I

Odermannstraße 19, 04177 Leipzig (‘Salve’ advisory centre)
Contact person: Souad Sahraoui
Phone: 0341 4206626 or 0178 3096508
Consultation hours (by phone only):
Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
and by appointment and email
Languages: German, French, Arabic
By appointment: Bulgarian, Russian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic, Persian


Riebeckstraße 36, 04317 Leipzig
Contact persons: Eman Aissa, Sandra Haufe, Aria Eskandari
Phone: 0341 22476040
Consultation hours:
Tuesday to Thursday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
By appointment only (by phone and email)
Languages: German, English, Persian, Arabic
Other languages on request

RAA Leipzig e. V. II

Kochstraße 14, 04275 Leipzig
Contact person: Ms Grafe
Phone: 0163 2654546
Target group:
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex displaced persons (LGBTIQ+)
Consultation hours: by appointment only (by phone and email)
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish
On request: Russian, Farsi, Arabic and more